Data Migration from SCEPTRE to AMOS


As part of the implementation of their new MRO software system, El Al was looking for expertise to migrate all aircraft data from their IBM IMS hierarchical database SCEPTRE to their new MRO software system. This included around 20 years of historical operational information.


EXSYN was contracted as the partner to conduct the data migration as a managed service. By using its data processing tool, NEXUS EXSYN transferred all aircraft data fast and securely from the IBM IMS hierarchical database to the new MRO software system. Next to that, EXSYN used NEXUS to conduct a fit-gap analysis, data cleansing, and a mass-data update to ensure high data quality in the new MRO software system. Since the go-live of their new MRO software system, EXSYN has provided AMOS end-user support to El Al for their AMOS production environment.

“The service and commitment EXSYN has provided throughout our data migration project have enabled the successful go-live of our new MRO software system AMOS.” El Al AMOS Implementation Project Team  

 The Project in Numbers


Aircraft Types

Source Systems

GB Processed

About El Al 

EL AL was established in 1948 as the flag carrier of Israel and since then has become a prestigious international carrier with a fleet of 43 aircraft and with 18 destinations in Europe, Asia, Africa and North America . The ownership of El Al rests in the hands of the government of Israel. El Al has its homebase and head office at Ben Gurion International Airport in Tel Aviv, Israel. El Al operates a mixed fleet of B737-800, B787-900, B747-400 and B777-200 aircraft.


Reporting & Data Cleansing


Data Migration Database Merger