Video: Data Migration in Aviation - How EXSYN helps clients and why it’s more Than Transferring Data from A to B

What are you doing if your IT system is down? You probably call an IT expert.

What are you doing if you need to redeliver an aircraft but are deeply involved in operations? You call an independent CAMO service provider.

If we are short in knowledge and/ or time we search for the best experts and options in the market to make sure no time is wasted, and everything is done properly.

However, when we implement a new MRO/M&E software system, and we need to migrate the data from the old system to the new system we want to do it all by ourselves. Often taking an approach that is not working as the right tools are not available and the process is unknown. This even might end up in having two systems running simultaneously. We prefer this situation rather than asking for help and looking for experts that know exactly what to do and how to do it.

The interesting part about this is that not the system is ‘making’ the aircraft airworthy, but the data that resides in the system. For example, do the cycles and flight hours per flight align with the accumulated of the total recorded flight hours and flight cycles? The data is relevant to keep the aircraft flying.

We often hear from operators that they blame the system for not working properly although it’s a new one. That they need to have additional excel sheets to keep track of everything.

The reason behind this is that during the initial data migration for the MRO/M&E software system implementation the data was just pushed from the old system to the new system. There was not enough time spend on looking at the actual data itself, if it’s correct what was recorded in the old system or looking for the actual source of truth. Thus, engineers do not trust the new system and revert to the additional excel sheets.

A new MRO/M&E system has often better functionalities and offers a smother process BUT it does not solve the issues you had in the old system; The phrase garbage in – garbage out best describes it. It’s the data that needs to be checked properly, cleansed, and often enriched to make the new MRO/M&E system work the way you expect it. To help you do your job to keep the aircraft airworthy.  

To do it yourself is fine. To get help from experts who know what and how to do it is even better.  

In below video Rob Vermeij, Head of Operations, explains how EXSYN helps clients with the data migration and why it’s more than transferring data from A to B.


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