Quick Reference Guide on how Airlines can do Predictive Analytics

Over the last several years data generated by aircraft has increased exponentially thru introduction of new onboard equipment that allows for the so-called connected aircraft. In the wake of this data growth OEM’s and airlines alike have deep dived into using this data for predictive analytics on aircraft system and/or component failure. Ultimately with the aim of reduced unplanned ground time of aircraft and thereby increasing uptime.

Typically, the area of Predictive Analytics on aircraft data has been dominated by OEM’s and large technology corporations. For airlines this meant relying on prebuild out-of-the-box solutions which usually come with a significant price tag and never having a 100% fit with the airline requirements. Which on its own terms leads to reduced adoption of the solution within the airline operations and pretty much nullifies the benefit of on-board generated data for the airline and makes it work just in favour of the OEM’s.

As a counterreaction to this we now see some larger flag carriers initiating their own predictive analytics initiatives. However, for those that do not possess the resource, time and budget for such an internal airline initiative this will still seem as a very daunting task. All the while leaving untapped potential undiscovered for reducing AOG and increasing aircraft uptime.

Download the document to receive some low-barrier insight in how to setup your own Airline Predictive Analytics project here:


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